In this article we will see how to use different streams(like akka-stream) for pagination and when it can be useful. The main idea of pagination is partition of a big sequence of objects into several parts(or pages) in order to make possible its processing page by page. For example, you have a 1.000.000 users in the database and you need to send an email to all of them. You could try to load all user records in a big list and process it at once but it would not be memory-efficient approach. Instead you can partition the list of users into pages by 100 users per page, load one page, send emails to users in this page, load next page and so on. This will be a much more efficient way to deal with big collections of records.
So lets try to implement this approach but for a more complex case.
Lets say that we have the big collection of users and each user has the big collection of products and we need to send emails to each user about each his product. In this case we can not load all users and/or all user’s products in memory at once. So we have to use pagination for users and for user’s products.
Possible solutions
To solve that issue I tried to use:
- Recursion
- Akka-stream
- Twitter AsyncStream
All examples can be found here
Using recursion
The main idea is to use the recursive helper method forEachPage(...)
which executes page functions forUserPage(...)
and forWarePage(...)
until they return false.
It is a simple approach but it requires plenty of code.
import io.koff.pagination.domain.User
import io.koff.pagination.repo.Repository
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.language.postfixOps
* Example of recursive approach
object RecursiveMain {
private val WaitTime = 10 seconds
val repo = new Repository
val emailService = new EmailService
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val result = forEachPage()(forUserPage)
Await.result(result, WaitTime)
* Execute this function for each page of user wares
private def forWarePage(user: User, page: PageRequest): Future[Boolean] = {
for {
//get page of user wares
wares <- repo.getPageOfWares(user, page)
//send email
futSeq = { ware => emailService.sendEmail(user, ware) }
_ <- Future.sequence(futSeq)
} yield {
* Execute this function for each page of users
private def forUserPage(page: PageRequest): Future[Boolean] = {
//get a page of users
users <- repo.getPageOfUsers(page)
//traverse though user wares for each user
futSeq = => forEachPage()(forWarePage(user, _)))
_ <- Future.sequence(futSeq)
} yield {
* Recursive function for traverse through a collection page by page using `func`
* @param currPage current page
* @param func function which is called on each step of recursion
* @param ctx execution context
* @return result future
private def forEachPage(currPage: PageRequest = PageRequest.FirstPage)
(func: PageRequest => Future[Boolean])
(implicit ctx: ExecutionContext): Future[_] = {
func(currPage).flatMap {
case true =>
case false =>
Using akka-streams
It is easy to implement the same logic using the method Source.unfoldAsync(...)
from akka-stream. But it is necessary to have ActorSystem in order to use akka streams.
import io.koff.pagination.repo.Repository
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.language.postfixOps
* Pagination using akka-streams
object ReactiveMain {
private val WaitTime = 10 seconds
private val repo = new Repository
private val emailService = new EmailService
implicit val system = ActorSystem("reactive-pagination")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//Define the computation stream
val source =
//get users page by page
.flatMapConcat {
//for each user get wares page by page
user => asyncPageToSource(repo.getPageOfWares(user, _)).map((user, _))
//it is possible to check errors here to stop processing after the first error
case (user, _) => != "user#5"
//send email for each (user, ware) pair
(emailService.sendEmail _).tupled
//Execute computations
//Because all computations are executed inside the stream
//We don't need to do anything here
val result = source.runForeach(value => value)
//Wait the result
Await.result(result, WaitTime)
//Shutdown the actor system
* Converts page function to Source of pages
* @param pageFunc function which receives PageRequest as a parameter and returns an async result
* @return [[Source]] of pages
private def asyncPageToPageSource[T](pageFunc: PageRequest => Future[Seq[T]]): Source[Seq[T], Unit] = {
Source.unfoldAsync(PageRequest.FirstPage){ page =>
val pageData = pageFunc(page) => if (data.isEmpty){ None } else { Some(, data) })
* Converts page function to Source of elements of T
* @param pageFunc function which receives PageRequest as a parameter and returns an async result
* @return [[Source]] of pages
private def asyncPageToSource[T](pageFunc: PageRequest => Future[Seq[T]]): Source[T, Unit] = {
asyncPageToPageSource(pageFunc).mapConcat{ seq => seq.toList }
Using twitter AsyncStream
It is possible to implement pagination using twitter AsyncStream in almost the same manner as it is made using akka-stream but with one note. AsyncStream does not have unfoldAsync(...)
so we need to implement it: unfold2(...)
import com.twitter.concurrent.exp.AsyncStream
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future}
import io.koff.pagination.repo.Repository
import io.koff.pagination.utils.TwitterScalaFuture._
* Example for twitter AsyncStream
object TwitterMain {
private val repo = new Repository
private val emailService = new EmailService
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//Define the computation stream
val stream =
//get users page by page
//also convert scala future to twitter using '.toTwitter'
//see implicit class TwitterScalaFuture.ScalaToTwitter for details
//for each user get wares page by page
user => asyncPageToStream(repo.getPageOfWares(user, _).toTwitter).map((user, _))
}.takeWhile {
//it is possible to check errors here to stop processing after the first error
case (user, _) => != "user#5"
}.mapF {
//send email for each (user, ware) pair
case (user, ware) => emailService.sendEmail(user, ware).toTwitter
//Execute computations
//Because all computations are executed inside the stream
//We don't need to do anything here
val res = stream.foreach { value => value }
//Wait the result
* Almost the same as akka-stream Source.unfoldAsync(...)
* This function unfolds a value to a sequence of elements
def unfold2[T, K](value: T)(func: (T) => Future[Option[(T, K)]]): AsyncStream[K] = {
val result = func(value)
val stream = AsyncStream.fromFuture(result)
case Some((t,k)) => stream ++ unfold(t)(func)
case None => AsyncStream.empty
def unfold[T, K](zero: T)(value: (T) => Future[Option[(T, K)]]): AsyncStream[Option[(T, K)]] = {
val result = value(zero)
val stream = AsyncStream.fromFuture(result)
stream.flatMap {
case Some((t,_)) => stream ++ unfold(t)(value)
case None => AsyncStream.empty
* Converts page function to Source of pages
* @param pageFunc function which receives PageRequest as a parameter and returns an async result
* @return [[AsyncStream]] of pages
def asyncPageToPageStream[T](pageFunc: PageRequest => Future[Seq[T]]): AsyncStream[Seq[T]] = {
unfold2[PageRequest, Seq[T]](PageRequest.FirstPage){ page =>
val pageData = pageFunc(page) { data => if (data.isEmpty) { None } else { Some(, data) } }
* Converts page function to Source of elements of T
* @param pageFunc function which receives PageRequest as a parameter and returns an async result
* @return [[AsyncStream]] of pages
def asyncPageToStream[T](pageFunc: PageRequest => Future[Seq[T]]): AsyncStream[T] = {
- Example project - sources for this article
- Akka Stream - documentation for akka-stream
- Twitter AsyncStream - an article about AsyncStream